Clipper Filtered Cigars – The American Golden Standard
Cigars are actually very different from cigarettes. The differences can be observed in a variety of features such as the look, the taste, the quality of tobacco, and the number of flavors available. A lot of people, especially men, are switching from cigarettes to filtered cigars. One of the leading examples of cigars that greet these people with a fine experience are Clipper Filtered Cigars.
Bella Filtered Cigars - A Cigar for the Sophisticated
In recent times, more and more women have taken to smoking cigars. Though cigarette smoking was rather prevalent even a few years back, the trend of cigar smoking has only caught up recently. However, many women have also had a common complaint regarding the cigars on the market. They find these cigars very strong for their liking. Words that have been used to describe this strength range from “harsh” to “masculine.” This is one of the main reasons tobacco companies started working on cigar products that are more women-friendly and lighter than the run-of-the-mill cigars usually used by men. Bella Filtered Cigars are the outcome of this effort.
Wood Tips Enhance Cigars
Winchester Filter Cigars: A Bold and Powerful Smoking Experience
Copyright 2010-2021, THE SALE OF TOBACCO PRODUCTS TO PERSONS UNDER THE AGE OF 21 IS AGAINST FLORIDA LAW. PROOF OF AGE IS REQUIRED FOR PURCHASE. does not sell Cigarettes or Pipe Tobacco. This website and its use is intended for people over the age of 18. This site and its content is intended for people over the legal smoking age. By Purchasing from our site you are agreeing to an Age Verification. Prices Subject to change without notice. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Customers are responsible for their State and or Local States Taxes. We sell Cigars, Filtered Cigars, Premium Discount Cigars & Cigarillos.