Posted by Amin Waiz on 4/15/2015 to
Choosing the Right Cigar
The right cigar is the cigar that provides you with a pleasurable smoking experience. The draw is just right, and the taste of the cigar stimulates just the right taste buds. Sure, it makes sense to begin with a mild cigar, but the possibilities are endless. The online shopping experience has revolutionized the cigar industry. The selection is greater and the price is better.Whether you opt for a traditional cigar or a cigar with a plastic or wooden tip, trying a variety of cigars is one of the great pleasures that life has to offer. When your latest shipment of fine cigars is delivered to your door, you just know it’s going to be a great day. Perhaps you’ve decided to try a cigar with a lightly sweetened wood tip for the first time. Many cigar smokers swear that wood tips provide a more comfortable smoking experience.
Cigar Basics
When you relax in your favorite chair, perhaps with a glass of brandy or cognac, the sensation of an aromatic cigar is the pinnacle of true relaxation. Cigar novices should learn the basics, including some of the traditional types of cigars.The renowned Corona cigar has a 42-ring gauge diameter and measures six inches in length. The Corona features a closed rounded, head and an open foot. The Torpedo has a bulge in the middle, a closed foot and a pointed head. The Perfecto is similar to the Torpedo, but both ends are closed. The famous Panatela is thinner and longer than a Corona. It measures seven inches in length with a 38 gauge diameter. Don’t forget about the Pyramid and the Culebra. They actually braid three Panatelas together to make a Culebra.
Although the uninitiated lump all smokers together, smoking a cigar is nothing like smoking cigarettes. Cigar smoking is all about enjoying the taste and aroma of a fresh cigar. There’s no need to inhale the smoke. Once you learn the proper way to select, store, cut and light a cigar, a good cigar can be savored for several hours.
Copyright 2010-2021, THE SALE OF TOBACCO PRODUCTS TO PERSONS UNDER THE AGE OF 21 IS AGAINST FLORIDA LAW. PROOF OF AGE IS REQUIRED FOR PURCHASE. does not sell Cigarettes or Pipe Tobacco. This website and its use is intended for people over the age of 18. This site and its content is intended for people over the legal smoking age. By Purchasing from our site you are agreeing to an Age Verification. Prices Subject to change without notice. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Customers are responsible for their State and or Local States Taxes. We sell Cigars, Filtered Cigars, Premium Discount Cigars & Cigarillos.